Stay on the lookout for these new Jane Blaze tees by NailsDid:Watcha know about blazin' with the nails done up?
And here we go with another one, coming up this summer, the NailsDid x MissBehave collaboration:Looks fresh - I think I may have to cop. Stay tuned.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
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11:48 PM
Nat-2 has the solution for those who love to rock both sneakers and sandals, and oftentimes wish they had both! These sneakers reveal a sandal underneath the zipper at the sole. Yes...really!Dope, but there's only so much they could do with the sandal inside the sneaker as far as design goes, but it's a good start for changing the functionality of footwear. It's like a...sneadal? sanker?
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1:19 AM
Friday, May 9, 2008
I just got the e-mail from Cultist literally like 2 minutes ago, and I am ON this! It's the new Claw Money line for the spring/summer! Looks like Claw is stepping it up to beyond the tee & tank with a different kind of cut (like the black v-neck) with more artwork:So far, it looks good! Make sure you get your own Claw swag on at Cultist!
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12:17 PM
REBECCA MINKOFF SAMPLE SALE NYC!Hopefully, she'll be making the trek across the country to this side of the coast pretty soon.
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12:10 PM
So the day starts off with another day at work with my favorite, Vanessa! For lunch (best time of the day), we head over to Urth Caffe and do some serious take-out. I know, this is my second time in two days, and ya know what? I got the same thing - Spinach & Mushroom Quiche with Mixed Greens. Is eating too much Quiche, i.e. 2 in 2 days, horrible? Whatever, that ain't gonna stop me! Anyway, I just had to capture the random lunch we had, with Vanessa's ginormous Tostada:And my two-time quiche set for champions:
After another full day of work and a little bit of uncertainty, we head down to El Segundo to the Seychelles office, where this Seychelles/BC & WeSC event took place. Although we arrived around the time it was supposed to end, it was still poppin'! There were current WeSC and Seychelles/BC items for sale, and O.P.I. were giving manicures while Smashbox took care of the makeovers! Too bad they were both done by the time we got there...there's always next time! While we waited for Elaine, we checked out the setup. Here's the WeSC retail area:
Vanessa's GOT the face. She just has it in her - don't you just wanna buy the shirt now?
WeSC denim: Japanese Selvege & regular:
The Seychelles/BC retail corner was poppin' off with various current styles for under retail, and of course, what's better than magazine advertisements and flower bouquets all around to complement the shoes?!
Nicole and Natalie from GirlsDrawinGirls, an AMAZING collaborative of cute girls with talent & ambition, representing ladies in the animation industry. These ladies are on point with their unique, individual styles of drawing women in various forms, and their new book, entitled "Once Upon A Girl" is going to be a fairy-tale based animation book of none other than girls!
The current book, entitled, "A Girl In Time" - tackling women's roles and images throughout history. It is put together very nicely, while each piece of work from each different artist has its own flair and style, which is what makes up GirlsDrawinGirls:
One of our favorite pieces that the ladies showed us: KAMIKAZE!!!
Vanessa showin' off the GDG sticker, watch out for these ladies and their work, "Once Upon A Girl" drops next month!!
We just L-O-V-E-d her dress/belt/hair/outfit, so of course I'ma ask for a picture:
And to top off the ensemble: none other than some Seychelles:
Smashbox was on a hiatus once we got there - still looked like it showed some love though.
Loungin' - cute pillows!
"I liked the barrrtenderrr" - yes he loved them pictures, and he wouldn't give me a drink unless I took a picture of him. I forgot to ask for your name but I hope you're reading this right now! I told you I'd get you up on here! Lookin' goooood:
Pretending he doesn't care about the picture:
Funny man:
IZZE carbonated juice = pretty bomb.
I LOVE mediterranean!!!!! Chicken + hummus + rice + pita = SCORE!
The wonderful Elaine (Seychelles/BC) - and I'm not just saying that because she invited me/showed me the upcoming fall/holiday Seychelles/BC line, which by the way IS the jumpoff for women's casual and dress shoes for the seasons to come - she's so cute!!! and she loves Pharrell!! (who doesn't?), Rosie (Studio DNA) - hairstylist for them models, and a Seychelles model rockin' WeSC and a dope 'do.
So this dude from WeSC, obviously a little drunk - maybe too many IZZE with vodkas? - wanted me to take pictures of him (continuously) of him charming Summer (Studio DNA) with a flower. Here he is in action:
Approaching victory...
Mission - completed?! She ain't payin' any attention though. Bring your A-game next time!
That was the perfect way to end the night. Elaine was so sweet, and the upcoming line for Seychelles/BC is going to be huge. I already spotted like 10 pairs of shoes I want to make sure and cop for the fall/winter season. Oohhwee! Super cute ladies, Rosie and Summer from Studio DNA, talked to us about their hair salon located in Santa Monica. Let me tell you, they are planning big things for their company, and I am sure I'll be visiting their salon sometime soon.
All of the ladies I met were inspired and inspiring, taking their talent to the next level, and you know you can look out for GirlsDrawinGirls, Seychelles/BC, and Studio DNA in their respective fields. Ya'll are LippedJeans lipped & locked, fully endorsed!
Outside of the Seychelles office: "Inspire Jealousy" - word.The beyond wonderful gift bag that hit ALL the spots - tabloid/WeSC coupon/WeSC tote/Smashbox bronzer (goodbye pale, winter skin!)/cookbook/O.P.I. nail polish/music from Little Barrie/cookies from Geoff & Drew's - basically all things I love in life.
Reppin' Studio DNA! Get your hair game right for your next cut/color/perm. Hit up Rosie or Summer!!!
Wow, what a long night. I had to wait 12 hours to write about this, but all in all, it was super dope! I've met wonderful, talented people, and I wish them all the best in their endeavors. I had a sense of female empowerment, a boost of confidence in myself, and an overall great feeling coming out of this event. Hopefully, there will be many more to come, because damn, these ladies rocked!!!! Until next time...
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12:09 PM
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Okay, so it's already an established fact that Keep never disappoints. Their cruelty-free sneakers and shoes have hit the spot when it comes down to a shoe being simple, clean, and unique all at the same time.
Nitrolicious has the scoop on the Keep Fall/Holiday 2008 Collection, and you know the Lipped Jeanius had to get on that! Never fail to rep the Keep, although I have yet to swing by the store and pick me up a pair for myself. Check out the new designs for the classic Keep styles:And new for the fall this year, Keep introduces, the all new Dorian (D for Dope!):
And finally, the all new Keep Tatum (T for can't Touch This - water-resistant, ya heard?!):
I'm excited for the Keep family, they are doing big things, and evermore expanding their line (they're gonna start sizing up their shoes up to women's 15/men's 13.5 for all the bigger people out there - which is GREAT news). Stay on the lookout for the Keep fall collection to drop around July 25, and read more about it here or drop a line to the Keep family, and Keep it real, homie. (Secretly, I love writing about Keep, because there are so many play on words/puns that I can Keep using!!!)
-All images from Nitrolicious
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11:49 PM
I just got back from an awesome event at the Seychelles/BC office, courtesy of beautiful Elaine, and let me tell you, the company's doing BIG THANGS! I loved the event, which was in conjunction with WeSC and Smashbox and O.P.I., and although I rushed there with girrrrrrl Vanessa, but it was so worth it to catch the last hour of the event. I have the desire to ramble about my night, but I need to upload pictures and collect my thoughts so I'll update later. But really, thanks Elaine for the invite! More about this later!
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11:24 PM
...or at least it looks like it! I haven't gotten the chance to cook this up myself, but I was reading the M.I.S.S. Crew blog like I do on a daily basis the other day and came across this article on southern comfort food. Being a cooking fiend and food aficionado myself (particularly for healthier foods for the most part), I immediately had to restrain myself from drooling over my old school PowerBook. I'm sure the picture does a little justice for the meal's taste, since that DSLR she be usin' with that close-up shot makes the meal look SO good. I think I've kept this article open in my FireFox for at least 3 days, planning to print out the recipe...but damn, I guess it just came down to the point where I had to share it with the world. I mean, look at the picture, it looks DELISH!
The M.I.S.S. girls look like they got their comfort food handled with this old skool recipe for homemade fried chicken (and I say it like 'frahhhhd chickn'), mac n' cheese (ooh wee! so simple yet so delectable), and some string bean salad. Easy dinner to satisfy all your tastebuds. We can all learn a thing or two from the M.I.S.S. crew, so remember to check the ladies out on a daily. Lowkey - I love how the girl cookin has got her nails did but she still breadin' the chicken like nothin'! That's how you do!
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11:08 PM
And you need AA!
American Apparel is hiring, ya'll. So you know you don't wanna be a couch potato all summer. Get your spuds to this hiring event TOMORROW, May 9th!Check out American Apparel for more details!
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10:59 PM
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
N.E.R.D. IN N.Y.C.
For those of you in the Big Apple:Read more about it here!
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11:23 PM
Take yo' mama out to Red Mango for some good ol' yogurt love. Plan accordingly, lines get crazzzzzy!
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10:46 PM
Savings for the ladies exclusively at El Mercado. Es time to regatear ladies!
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10:44 PM
So today was a pleasant day for my stomach - lots of good food!!! I met up with my dad in Torrance for a tasty Japanese lunch at Yuzu - a hamburger steak lunch set with rice, oden, soup, and other sides. Yuzu is known for super high quality, elegant dining with food that hits you when you're craving some really good Japanese food. Read a review on Daily Gluttony (Image from Daily Gluttony)
Next, after a quick shopping stop in Skyla in Westwood and a couple hours at work, I met up with Em in WeHo - I feel like I live there now. We stopped by the BAPE store, and then decided to get our talk/grub on at Urth Caffe.I just had to be extra careful with parking, because I've gotten way too many tickets in the Melrose area!!! I am not about to pay no $100 fine (due to the doubling of fines every time in WeHo - GAY!) anytime soon. Anyway, had the Spinach and Mushroom Quiche and an iced tea at Urth, and it was delectable. Too bad my camera was not in hand, or else I would have snapped up the joyful ambiance at both places to capture the moment. Of course, we went shopping at the Beverly Center shortly after. Such is the life - eat, shop, eat, and then shop - er window-shop - some more. Now...Back to reality.
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10:11 PM