Speaking of GITD:Pretty sick.
By the way, 'Ye pulled a Lupe yesterday during his GITD show @ Sacramento.
Let's hope he don't mess up again, but dude, when you're doing the same show on the same stage with the same people in so many cities...it's bound to happen. It's like deja vu times 50. See you tomorrow, 'Ye!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
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6:30 PM
Last night, I had a good meet up with the homies, just chillin' in the car and talking. Some of us poured our hearts out, some of us carefully listened although the wee hours of the night was getting to us and our sleepiness, and hopefully all of us can look back and say, "Man, even though we just sat in a car and talked, those were good times". It was nothing special, nothing out of the ordinary, but somehow, it just felt really good. Although for many of us, things have been rough here and there, and we all shared a feeling that there's always SOMETHING wrong with every aspect of our lives, whether it has to do with friends, family, a significant other, careers and the future, etcetera. Personally, having dealt with so much crap and bullshit this year, I never thought I'd genuinely be happy. But even among all of the negative things that brought me down, I've realized that it's only temporary, and we as people with deep emotions and a mental construct of certain aspects of our lives - we are responsible for making these negative things permanent. I know I'm sounding like a cliche ad for a self-help book, but really, yeah, we all got our shit to handle everyday, but there's no need to waste our days and energy complaining and asking for pity. Granted, it's absolutely essential for us to release our anger and frustrations with people who listen and care, but digging yourself a hole in which you have no escape route will not help you figure the tiniest bit out. We gotta make the most of our unfortunate situation(s), look ahead, and move on - because if we don't, how are we supposed to grow and mature, learning from that experience and applying it to something else that's going to affect your life in a far bigger magnitude than the previous situation?
I know my friends (including myself) who sat in that red car last night have thoughts and experiences that will forever alter their outlooks on life, and it's good to know that we can all connect on the same level and feel for one another, by expressing our genuine emotions out loud. I feel for all of us, and all of my friends and family who need support and a shoulder to lean on, and it feels damn good to be there for someone, because you never know when you'll need them. My conclusion: Learn from the past and move on. Stick with your homies through thick and thin. Sometimes, listening and not saying a single word is the best thing a friend needs. When everything seems to be falling apart, only the people who love you will be the glue to keep you as a person from crumbling too. So don't take anything for granted, love life and everything that's in it. Word.
Now let's go to the mother effin Glow In The Dark tour already.
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4:25 PM
Friday, April 18, 2008
Look who's dropping a hip-hop album next month:Yup! "Cosby Narratives Vol. 1: State of Emergency" is 70-year-old Bill Cosby's brand new album that combines his comedic tastes and stories with a hip-hop, pop and jazz soundtrack.
"I do not rap on any of these things," Cosby told The Associated Press on Monday. "I wouldn't know how to fix my mouth to say some of the words."
Cosby said the hip-hop music he hears is profane and degrading. His album is "the opposite of what I think is the profanity for no particular reason, the misogyny for no particular reason," he said. "It really looks at the frustration and the anger that a young man may have."
Dr. Huxtable's is hippin' and a hoppin', let's see where his rhymes take us!
-Source: ABC news
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12:20 AM
This week, New York-based artist Lawrence Weiner's exhibit, As Far As The Eye Can See at MOCA Geffen Contemporary in Little Tokyo opened!
Lawrence Weiner: AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE provides a comprehensive examination of Weiner’s remarkable and cohesive oeuvre, assembling key selections and bodies of work from throughout his 40-year career. Lawrence Weiner has defined art as “the relationship of human beings to objects and objects to objects in relation to human beings,” and that premise remains at the core of all of his work. The conditions of a work of art have been the basis of Weiner’s approach since 1967, using language as a material object.
I personally enjoyed this exhibit - I had the opportunity hit it up at the Whitney Museum of American Art when I was in NYC this past winter. I was amazed at how powerfully words can be expressed, especially through art as a medium, and how even the most simple forms of art becomes a form of language - as a way to communicate its origin, meaning, and purpose.
There's nothing like wandering around a museum full of good exhibits for a couple of hours on a Sunday afternoon, so I say to you: go...AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE.
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12:11 AM
Turntable Lab LA says:at the LA store
- must be available to work weekends
- 3-4 days a week
- email resume to dave //// at /// turntablelab.com
- must be reliable
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12:09 AM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
The latest collaborative effort for MAC was with Japanese designer, Toshikazu Iwayadisco of Dress Camp. The packaging (which is SUPER DUPER cute, I know people like Ellie with zebra print love will love) is inspired by his wild prints and bold colors.
The sad news: everything is sold out online. You MAY be able to get lucky and find some at select pro stores in New York and San Francisco, although they maybe sold out as well. Keep tryin'...but MAC is definitely on a roll with collaborations, cutting it close even with favorite nappy boy T-Pain. Shawty get loose!
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11:58 PM
So I come home from a long day of work, and I check the mail (no, not e-mail - real mail). Secretly, this is one of my favorite times of the day, although I don't really know why. It's similar to that of my infatuation with watching airplane landings and takeoffs - I just genuinely enjoy opening up my mailbox to see what kind of goodies the mailman has left for me...this goes as a daily basis. Anyway, I come home, got the Blender and the Nylon, and I see a mini catalogue-ish mini magazine called LALA Magazine (I'm guessing L.A. but I have really no idea what it means). So I'm thinking cool, is this a new marketing project for a brand new start-up company, or a brand new sub-culture magazine? But no, I look on the cover, and it's Heidi Montag with a "Heidiwood" sign in the background. Ok. So at this point, I'm thinking what the hell, why would she be on the cover of a cool-looking magazine? So I look into this so-called "magazine" and I find that it's just a piece-of-crap catalogue featuring Heidi's retarded line, "Heidiwood". Believe me, I knew about this "release", but I was looking forward to not coming into contact with (further more, blogging about) this piece-of-crap selection of clothing that's considered a fashion line. Although I must give thanks to Heidiwood's entrance for one thing: bagging on Heidiwood and anything concerned with Heidi! I must say, these The Fug Girls from New York Magazine really went to work with this, straight clownin' on Heidi, Heidi's sense of fashion, Heidi's Heidiwood, Heidi's dumb boyfriend, and Heidi's etc. It's straight up hilarious, well written, and superbly executed: even with first hand pictures from the store! So make sure to go check it out.
It's really sad, I used to like Heidi, especially her hair, but after the first season, it's like girl, just stop it.
Heidi is sporting one of the tops from Heidiwood: pure nastywood, but then again, yea, she would wear something like that:I think this has got to be the best article I've read, about an article I never wanted to read about. Go Fugs!
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6:56 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Celebrating these not so "Kool"-aid shoes. You'd think it would be open to everyone since you'd figure free drinks = Kool-aid. But NOPE!
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7:02 PM
For your viewing pleasure...
He REALLY likes that moving circular object...quite...sexual.
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12:01 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
SEXY RIDE: Hermès x Bugatti
Okay, so I admit that I rarely...on second thought, maybe never...blurb about cars, let alone, "sexy" cars. But this, ladies & gentlemen, is not just a car. It's the Bugatti Veyron Fbg par Hermès, aka: the high class collaboration: Hermès x Bugatti Veyron Fbg. This is actually not the first time Hermes is collaborating with the luxury automobile:
Ettore Bugatti and Émile Hermès met in the 1920s, when Ettore ordered a bespoke suitcase for his first Bugatti Royale. Almost eighty years later, at the 2006 Pebble Beach Concours d'Élégance, representatives of Bugatti and Hermès met again. And this encounter turned out to be the beginning of a new collaboration between the two houses.
The detailing is impeccable, with both Hermès and Bugatti highlighted inside and out: high-quality non-visible Hermès stitching, a specially designed Hermès wallet that fits perfectly into a compartment in the car (see below), an Hermès suitcase that comes in the trunk of the car. For the men who care about such necessary specs: all you need to know is that it's the fastest production car ever made. This monster is
...capable of reaching 407 km/h, is due in large part to its unique alliance of the very finest motor-racing technology with comfortable handling for everyday driving. The 16-cylinder "W" configuration engine is fed by four turbochargers and features 64 valves, generating 1001 horse¬power at 6000 rpm.
Yes, I know how horses mean so much in a car. Anyway, drool on the pictures and imagine yourself driving this son of a biznatch. No joke, just take a look at that leather....and Hermès accessories included? SOLD!Alright, stop dreaming. Price tag: 1.55 million euros = $2.3 million = money ain't a thang = don't quit your day job.
-Source & images: M.I.S.S. Crew
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11:08 PM
GAP Design Editions is back for a stronger round, featuring the classic white shirt redesigned by designers like Phillip Lim, Michael Bastian, AsFour, Band of Outsiders and accessories designed by Philip Crangi. These are gonna be hot, so visit your nearest GAP store...or better yet, shop online! I know, this is like my 5th shopping post for the day...but what can I say, I need to offer the deals and the exclusives. Saving money makes us happy, but spending it to snag the coveted items is a much more happy feeling. Ahhhhh.
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10:45 PM
Drifter is having a secret sale online going on now. They specialize in comfortable, lightweight, breathable Supima cotton tees and other garments that are perfect for the warm weather.
They've also debuted their Spring/Summer 2008 collection online for both men and women, and surprisingly, they've stepped up their cut & sewn game in the girl's department, and I'm feelin' the dresses for the hot hot heat this year:Yup, men's styles too!
Go ahead and drift away into Supima Cotton world.
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10:15 PM
Peep the latest arrival for Karmaloop: some Diamond Supply Co. is in the houuuuse.While you're at it, check out all the good stuff at Karmaloop for fresh spring gear. What goes around comes back around.
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9:52 PM
From now til May 15, Daily Candy is offering you a chance to stock up on make-up from Stila: Enter the code STILACANDY at checkout to receive 25% off and free ground shipping! Waa woo weee!
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9:41 PM
Monday, April 14, 2008
and..no, not beef or Bryant. The OTHER Kobe - in Japan. IKEA, our favorite go-to Swedish furniture (and bomb food court) store has converted the Kobe Portliner Monorail into a moving showroom before the April 14 opening of a new retail outlet at Port Island. The redecorated train, which features a colorful exterior, bright upholstery and fancy curtains, will carry passengers in style until May 6.Check it out:
How sweet it is for riders to be pleasantly surprised by the bright colors and patterns of the new seats and curtains. I'm sure most people will enjoy riding on this train for the time being...it's nice how IKEA decked it out, but after May 6, it's kind of depressing when you return to the normal, uncomfortable, bland seats. What an unusual but smart way to advertise - it's like you're forced to not only see an IKEA ad, but to be apart of it...every. day. of your life. until...May 6. Maybe those who ride on the train will love it, but get sick of the crazy patterns and bright colors so much, that in the end, they'll boycott IKEA forever. This would be the ultimate un-advertisement of a brand. Did IKEA ever think of that?!
But I do admit, I love IKEA...and they should expand this project into every public transportation system in major cities. That would be totally awesome...I'd actually look forward to sitting down in a bus or a train. But the fact that they are carrying this 'moving showroom' in Japan shows one thing - Japanese commuters won't tear that shit apart. Clean countries rule, America drools.
-Images and source: Pink Tentacle
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8:08 PM
Beauty alert! The Ultimate Guide to Makeup, Skin, and Hair from the Beauty Authority, a new book by Melissa Schweiger, is going to be the next big beauty bible for all the ladies out there.
In the book, Schweiger personally introduces the people behind some of your favorite brands and fills this gorgeous book with the beauty secrets usually reserved for insiders. Each photo-packed page brims with words of wisdom and expert advice from the creators of and authorities on more than two hundred classic and emerging beauty brands sold at Sephora, including LORAC, Smashbox, Too Faced, Dr. Perricone, Frédéric Fekkai, and many, many more.
Each chapter is designed to mimic a Sephora store's "try everything" vibe while revealing the finest beauty tips and tricks for getting creative with cosmetics. From an A-to-Z glossary of terms and ingredients and a shopping guide to the best products, to detailed explanations of how to properly use cosmetic tools, Sephora is the complete beauty package that no woman will want to be without.
AWESOME! Order yours online here for $27.95, or wait til tomorrow, April 15th for the in-store drop!
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1:10 PM
So C'est La Vie announced that Crooks & Castles will be releasing womens tees on April 18. Here's a look at what's-a-comin':Watch for the drop this Friday!
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1:02 PM
Remember a while back when Missy's Ching-A-Ling video debuted and the dancing was crazy? Well the guys poppin' & lockin' for Missy was a Japanese Animation group called U-Min, and their moves are so tight and sharp - it's truly spectacular to watch their every move.
U-Min is written in Japanese to mean "no name" or "unknown". They focus on "animation” style of dancing, a technique that attempts to imitate film characters being animated by stop motion. Their moves makes it appear as if each dancer has been animated frame by frame. As seen in their videos, though, they also pop, lock, and break - and they've even gained the nickname: “Controller of Time and Space”. Take a look at some of the dopest videos on YouTube (courtesy of Clayton...good job bro):
Uniqlo performance (and no, nothing's wrong with YouTube...the video has actually started and they are perfectly still):
In Martin Solveig's C'est La Vie:
America's best dance crews...got nothin' on their style.
We all know what Lil Mama would say about the crew...perhaps something like this: "I reSPECT ya'll. Ya'll have that ENERgy and STRENF. Ya'll came out there and gave it ya all. Ya'll STRONG men!"
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11:26 AM
So today was definitely not the best day to go outdoor flea shopping, at the monthly Rose Bowl Flea Market, but even after a crazy week of drunken madness for some people (i.e. LoveLee) or a random night out with the homies just chillin on some beers for the rest of us, we gathered up the strength and determination that was left in us to wake up early for this event.
Vickygirl, the driver of the day, at 8:45 AM (Thanks for driving, girl!) - p.s. she will never listen to a song for more than 30 seconds. It just won't happen when she's in control. Yay for arrival and the newbies-of-the-day photo op...right in front of the ticket booth.
African masks were perhaps what we needed for such a scorching day.
MICHAEL'S PETS! - look at that branding, I never knew existed.
Corona ice chests for a bangin' summer party, or what?
Finally, license plates that make sense and are meaningful in our lives.
The telephone bag - always on call - modeled by LoveLee.
So I was just in San Francisco for Ghirardelli's chocolate factory - but I never knew they made pumps!?
Wall-o-shoes, necessary staple for the closet.
Stunner shades.
Party Animal shades
Bucket-0-shoes - this works too.
Matching snake rings we were about to walk away with.
Surplus = supply > demand. We know why.
Paparazzi shot.
Whatchu know about metallic Vans from back in the day - old school logo & everything?
Marcy riding the cockroach. She did a lot of riding today.
The moment of bliss.
The cup of joy, delight, and satisfaction - only lasted for 20 minutes. Damn the sun.
Scarfing down scarves.
Pineapples - this is for you, Spongebob.
Sexy stocking legs.
HAHAHA. Rock them bottles, V!
The wide variety of weirdo-glasses that we genuinely enjoyed - even under el scorcho weather.
To be continued...on another menu....next month!?
Overall: hot sun (it HAD to be some kind of record high today), burnt arms, hungry stomachs, and parched throats - but good bargains, good company, and good fun.
Time to rejuvenate and recharge - it's gonna be another long week!
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1:13 AM