Last night, I had a good meet up with the homies, just chillin' in the car and talking. Some of us poured our hearts out, some of us carefully listened although the wee hours of the night was getting to us and our sleepiness, and hopefully all of us can look back and say, "Man, even though we just sat in a car and talked, those were good times". It was nothing special, nothing out of the ordinary, but somehow, it just felt really good. Although for many of us, things have been rough here and there, and we all shared a feeling that there's always SOMETHING wrong with every aspect of our lives, whether it has to do with friends, family, a significant other, careers and the future, etcetera. Personally, having dealt with so much crap and bullshit this year, I never thought I'd genuinely be happy. But even among all of the negative things that brought me down, I've realized that it's only temporary, and we as people with deep emotions and a mental construct of certain aspects of our lives - we are responsible for making these negative things permanent. I know I'm sounding like a cliche ad for a self-help book, but really, yeah, we all got our shit to handle everyday, but there's no need to waste our days and energy complaining and asking for pity. Granted, it's absolutely essential for us to release our anger and frustrations with people who listen and care, but digging yourself a hole in which you have no escape route will not help you figure the tiniest bit out. We gotta make the most of our unfortunate situation(s), look ahead, and move on - because if we don't, how are we supposed to grow and mature, learning from that experience and applying it to something else that's going to affect your life in a far bigger magnitude than the previous situation?
I know my friends (including myself) who sat in that red car last night have thoughts and experiences that will forever alter their outlooks on life, and it's good to know that we can all connect on the same level and feel for one another, by expressing our genuine emotions out loud. I feel for all of us, and all of my friends and family who need support and a shoulder to lean on, and it feels damn good to be there for someone, because you never know when you'll need them. My conclusion: Learn from the past and move on. Stick with your homies through thick and thin. Sometimes, listening and not saying a single word is the best thing a friend needs. When everything seems to be falling apart, only the people who love you will be the glue to keep you as a person from crumbling too. So don't take anything for granted, love life and everything that's in it. Word.
Now let's go to the mother effin Glow In The Dark tour already.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Lipped by
4:25 PM
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