Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Worship Worthy was on point featuring Vashtie Kola for their "Confessional" joint.

For those who do not know, Vashtie directed the video for C.R.S. (Kanye, Pharrell, & Lupe's collaborative group), "Us Placers" which features Thom Yorke's original song.
She creatively used child actors (who weren't real actors), 6 hours of filming, and utilized her own crew, money and props to create this music video and posted it on YouTube - in no time, it became a hit.
Vashtie has quite a line-up of work experience under her belt, including stints at tattoo shops, Finish Line, Stussy, assisting photographer Jamil GS, Box Fresh Pictures as a director, Nike iD, Island/Def Jam, styling for BBC/Ice Cream, and finally, heading up her own company, 1992, which hosts the hottest parties around town (and worldwide).
Check out her vid!

Visit WORSHIP WORTHY for the full interview!

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