To my fellow readers, I must begin with an apology.
I feel as though I haven't written much in the past few days, and I'm quite worried that this blog will become a pictures-speak-for-themselves blog.
So to prevent this from happening and to protect my readers from the lack thereof of worthwhile content, I will begin and end my day of blogging and blog reading with a narrative of my last couple hours.
The day begin with the opening of my eyes, precisely at 10:14 am, in which I set the alarm clock at that particular time in order for me to have ample time to get ready and jet to the Hellz Bellz sale.
It was the first time I was going to a Hellz Bellz sale, so I wanted to hit it up right when it started, as I posted late las night, which was supposedly at 11:30.
I finished my daily routine and got out of the door at 11 am, at which point I thought, "wow, I might get there too early and seem like a loser, going to the sale alone and on time".
But as I reached the Melrose strip at approximately 11:20 am, I was almost taken aback by the sight of what I feared the most: Hypebeasts galore.
At that point, I thought: Dang, I should have accounted for the fact that Crooks & Castles was releasing their new 8021 line at the SAME time, because most of them in line were there for the Crooks, and not the Hellz.
However, despite the long line, I quickly found a neighborhood parking spot to parallel into, and made my way over to the end of the line, which was right in front of the Adidas store: roughly a block long.
This was my view for about 1.5 hours:Everywhere I looked, the fellas had on their Crooks, Hundreds, 10.deep, Acapulco name it, and they had their little lady friends, who, for the most part, probably didn't know there was a Hellz Bellz sale inside.
I decided to wait patiently in line, and to my luck, it was probably the hottest day of the week, and there was no shade to be found, except for a small section with one palm tree that provided shade for about 15 minutes, due to the slow movement of baby steps towards the front of the store.
It was a battlefield out there. Like a desert with no end, and I kept checking my phone to see what time it was and when I should leave if the line didn't gradually move.
The Crooks store workers handed out free water bottles and apologized for the wait, but it didn't make anything better.
They asked questions about the brand like when it was started or when a certain product dropped, and the person in front of me for about1.3 hours answered it correctly (maybe by a complete guess) and got to cut to the front of the line. (I felt kind of bad for these fools though since I saw them come out of the store totally empty-handed a little before I went in for the kill)
Frankly, I wasn't very happy because I was there for the Hellz Bellz, and not for the Crooks.
I really don't care about picking up new shit that drops on a whatever day, and I really felt like departing the scene in order to get home and eat.
However, in the back of my mind, I knew that I came for a reason, and so, through the lack of amusement, comfort, and productivity, a new thought generated inside me.
If all these cool kids were persisting through the beaming hot sun for a couple of fresh new tees, why couldn't I?
I decided at that point that I would become one of these Hypebeasts for a day, to experience what these kids come out and do on a weekly basis, whether for an opening, a product launch, or a spree of discounted merchandise.
At some point, I felt like a loser, for standing in line for 2 whole hours just to get IN to the store, wondering if there would even be anything left for me to actually buy.
At another point, I also felt this feeling of achievement, for persisting with these others in line and standing by my goal.
When else would I ever get the chance to see what a HB sale would be like?
I just had to experience it. Call me a loser, poser, trick, whatever you may, but me standing in that line alone and taking in the life of a Hypebeast, is actually beneficial to me and for most of you, since I write stories like these and help you decide if it's worth the time, money, and effort for the next whatever brand sample sale or HB//C&C launch there is.
Probably the last half hour before entering goes a lil something like this:Once inside, I made my way straight to the second floor, where a tiny room was filled with boxes of HB tees, and 3 racks separated by size for jackets and sweaters.
The room will most closely resemble a sauna on crack, and I dug through everything to find legit tees, while others were marked "sample" or had small rips/holes in them.
Lanie Alabanza, the creator of Hellz, was there overlooking us girls just go at it.
Everyone was pretty nice and friendly, which was a surprise, and I was out the door in about 10 minutes. (Didn't even bother to look for any Crooks stuff, simply because there was ANOTHER line for that)
All in all, it was interesting standing amongst people who come from various different places and backgrounds and hearing their thoughts and perspectives about clothes, sales, and life in general.
It's like a huge meeting ground for street wear & sneaker sub-culture aficionados alike, and today's event brought together Hellz Bellz-rockin' ladies, pimped-out fellas, regular "this is my day job" beasts, wack uncoordinated wanna-beasts, I'm-only-here-because-of-my-boyfriend-beezies, and I'm-standing-in-line-because-it-looks-like-a-cool-brand-noobs.
The ability for a brand that started 6 years ago (3 years ago for Hellz) to bring about such a diverse crowd is pretty wild, and although there are much bigger brands and designers with loyal followings that produce a crowd 100 times more extreme as the one I saw today, it can be said that it's an accomplishment that anyone would be proud of.
My lesson for today is: anytime there is a chance that Hypebeasts will be present at an event you will be attending, 1) make sure you have LOTS of time to spare, 2) bring a friend/phone with internet capability/or an equally amusing item, 3) be prepared for the worst, 4) bring lots of patience.
I'm done for the day.
In need of serious rest, downtime with my friend who's just come back from Japan (OPPAPPI!), and hydration to make up for the sweating damage done today.
Have a happy weekend, ya'll.
Peace & Love.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Lipped by
3:23 PM
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