Monday, April 14, 2008


Beauty alert! The Ultimate Guide to Makeup, Skin, and Hair from the Beauty Authority, a new book by Melissa Schweiger, is going to be the next big beauty bible for all the ladies out there.

In the book, Schweiger personally introduces the people behind some of your favorite brands and fills this gorgeous book with the beauty secrets usually reserved for insiders. Each photo-packed page brims with words of wisdom and expert advice from the creators of and authorities on more than two hundred classic and emerging beauty brands sold at Sephora, including LORAC, Smashbox, Too Faced, Dr. Perricone, Frédéric Fekkai, and many, many more.

Each chapter is designed to mimic a Sephora store's "try everything" vibe while revealing the finest beauty tips and tricks for getting creative with cosmetics. From an A-to-Z glossary of terms and ingredients and a shopping guide to the best products, to detailed explanations of how to properly use cosmetic tools, Sephora is the complete beauty package that no woman will want to be without.

AWESOME! Order yours online here for $27.95, or wait til tomorrow, April 15th for the in-store drop!

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