Sunday, March 23, 2008


Take a look at the newest American singing sensation in Japan: Jero, who is not the typical rapper or dancer or comedian trying to make it big in Japan. He is in fact, an enka singer, which refers to the type of songs my grandparents sing - a traditional, postwar genre of popular songs, often compared to that of American country music.
He promised his grandmother that he would become an enka star, so he went to Japan to try to make it big by going on random karaoke shows.
It's dope to see someone who is NOT Japanese for one, singing enka, and secondly, for having his own style: rockin' Ecko, baggy pants, a do-rag, and a New Era cap is hardly the proper attire to sing traditional enka, but it's a big step in promoting this genre of music to younger audiences.
His Japanese is totally on point, it even seems weird to listen to him sing in Japanese because it does NOT sound like a foreigner.
His modern hip-hop style dancing (backups included, of course) and fusion of American culture is catching attention all over the country.
Watch out, Jero about to serenade you all the way through the night.

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