Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Still stuck about what to get your mom for mother's day? Well you could go with what I did and order some delectable champagne truffles from Teuscher, OR you can go with my idea number 2: a luxurious facial/spa treatment at POLA Kirei. POLA has been around for 78 years in Japan, providing a serene space of tranquility for, of course, kirei, or beauty. They've premiered in the states with the opening of their Santa Monica salon, and I'm ready for my mom to be pampered!
POLA believes in understanding first the uniqueness of every individual and his or her skin, so they start with their very own "Skin Analysis System":

By delicately lifting loose cells on the skin's surface, we immediately process your skin sample to determine your skin's current texture, type, how easily wrinkles form, water retaining ability, protection ability, discoloration sensitivity, and inclination to oiliness. This helps determine the exact recipe for restoring your perfect skin.

Genius. And every woman's necessity to understanding that beauty is REALLY skin deep. They offer a variety of services ranging from facials to body treatments, and judging by the company's reputation, I'm sure you can expect nothing but the best. Everyone needs a little 'me' time, and so does your mama! Ya'll should be so proud!

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